Ὁ Ποῦτιν «κτίζει» ἀνεξαρτησία…

Ὁ Ποῦτιν «κτίζει» ἀνεξαρτησία... 
Τὰ μέτωπα ποὺ ἀνοίγει ταὐτόχρονα ὁ κοντὸς εἶναι πολλά!!!
  Τὰ συμφέροντα κάποια ἑκατοντάδες δισεκατομμύρια $!!!
  Ὁ πόλεμος ἀνάλογος!

 Ποῦτιν: Ἡ Ῥωσσία μέχρι τὸ 2020 θὰ εἶναι αὐτάρκης σὲ τροφή, καθὼς οἱ κυρώσεις τῆς Δύσεως πρὸς τὴν Ῥωσσία ὁδηγοῦν σὲ μία ἔκρηξη τῆς ἐγχωρίου παραγωγῆς.
Παράλληλα δήλωσε σὰν στόχο τὴν πρωτιὰ στὴν παραγωγὴ καὶ ἐξαγωγὴ «Ὀργανικῶν»/ Μὴ Γενετικὰ Τροποποιημένων Τροφῶν, κάτι ποὺ ὅπως ἀνέφερε ἔχουν ξεχάσει νὰ παράγουν οἱ μεγάλες ἑταιρεῖες τροφῆς τῆς Δύσεως!!!
Our agriculture sector is a positive example. Just a decade ago we imported almost half of our food products and critically depended on imports, whereas now Russia has joined the exporters’ club. Last year Russia’s agricultural exports totaled almost $20 billion. This is a quarter more than our proceeds from arms sales or about one third of our profits from gas exports. Our agriculture has made this leap in a short but productive period. Many thanks to our rural residents.
I believe we should set a national goal — fully provide the internal market with domestically produced foods by 2020. We are capable of feeding ourselves from our own land, and importantly, we have the water resources. Russia can become one of the world’s largest suppliers of healthy, ecologically clean quality foods that some Western companies have stopped producing long ago, all the more so since global demand for such products continues to grow.
As a further measure, President Putin called on the Duma to enact measures to bring millions of hectares of now-idle arable land into use:
It is necessary to put to use millions of hectares of arable land that is now idle. They belong to large land owners, many of whom show little interest in farming. How many years have we been talking about this? Yet things are not moving forward. I suggest withdrawing misused agricultural land from questionable owners and selling it at an auction to those who can and want to cultivate the land.

ΠΗΓΗ Presidential Address to the Federal Assembly December 3, 2015
Παπανικολάου Σωτήρης



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