UFO Sightings June 25th 2019 Alien Space Ship New Footage

©iUFOSightings. UFO Sightings Alien Ship spotted on vacation. There seems to be a light flashing at the bottom of this craft. Is it some kind of tractor beam? This is another iUFOSightings exclusive. This was spotted in a resort in
India. Slow moving UFO just excellent UFO footage on this one. UFO Sightings Alien Ship archived footage. It was just released by the source although it is thought to be filmed in the 80’s. This UFO seems to have some dots all around it. This is some excellent UFO footage. The UFO seems to be moving slowly. This is just excellent and could possibly be a mother ship. UFO Sightings Strange Lights in the sky. Take a look at this incredible UFO spotted in Michigan. iufosightings

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