UFO Sightings 2019 June 27th 2019 Clear Footage

©iUFOSightings. UFO Sightings Flying Saucer June 25th 2019. Looks like there is some blue energy behind this UFO. Just excellent UFO footage on this one. The night seems to be calm the trees are not moving much. Let us know what you think in the comments down below is this in fact a blue energy and a
flying saucer? UFO Sightings Space Capsule take a look at this incredible UFO footage. What is going on over here? This UFO is moving pretty slow. There seem to be lights in the center of the UFO. Is this in fact a space capsule this UFO was filmed in Wisconsin according to the source?iufosightings
UFO Sightings Cigar shaped object. Spotted in Detroit. This is some shaky cam footage but you can see a cigar shaped UFO. The source was in Detroit to watch the Hugh Jackman show. There also seems to be a helicopter flying around the area. UFO Sightings Clear Footage. Look at this incredible UFO footage. It doesn’t get much clearer than this. The UFO was filmed in Sweden. There seems to be some energy all throughout the UFO. This is truly some great UFO footage it was filmed with a new iPhone according to the source.

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