UFO Documentary January 2018

©iUFOSightings. Plane Disappears In The Bermuda Triangle. WOW check this incredible footage out! According to the source this footage was filmed by another plane that was in formation with this one. Then all of a sudden this orange ring of energy appears and starts to distort all things in it. Then the plane just disappears and then the camera goes out of control. All this happened over The Bermuda Triangle according to the source… The question that needs to be asked is how was this footage retrieved?

UFO Sightings on the runway. Look at this UFO just hovering over the airport. Then the UFO starts to spin and move away from the plane. The UFO looks like it has been seen by a lot of people. There are two planes that look like the pilot could have also seen the UFO on the airport. Excellent UFO footage on this one for sure…
UFO Sightings Liquid Metal. What is this Thing? The UFO looks like it is morphing. The source claims that it is a planned test? This object seems to be transforming. This is some excellent footage. WOW if this is a planned test like the source said then this is awesome! Proof positive on this if the source checks out. Please let us know your thoughts!!!
Take a look at this amazing UFO Footage what is it an Alien? There seems to be some green glow around the object. There also seems to be some weird movement on this Alien. We have no idea what is going on to tell you the truth. Maybe the viewers can help us find out what is going on over here.
UFO Sightings incredible footage. Look at this UFO it is amazing. There seems to be an energy cell in the back and there also seems to be a flashing energy light at the front of the UFO. The source had just got done shopping when she saw this UFO. She pulled out here phone and started filming the UFO. She also started to walk towards the UFO while she was filming.
UFO Sightings What Is It? Look at this UFO it looks like some kind of space ship. This is excellent UFO footage that comes to us from Michigan. The source was done shopping when he came out and saw a rainbow. He then pulled out his camera and started filming when he noticed this UFO in the air. This is excellent UFO footage. We are going to have to say proof positive on this one.
UFO Sightings Alien Multiplies what is going on over here. Take a look at this amazing UFO footage. The source claims that this UFO is alive. He also claims it is multiplying. It can been seen clearly there is something on the screen. It looks organic is shape. The UFO does split up into two objects this is just excellent UFO footage. The question still remains what is going on?
UFO Sightings take a look at this amazing UFO footage that comes to us from an unknown location. The UFO seems to take off. It moves slowly then rotates and then in a flash it is gone. This is just amazing UFO footage. How is this UFO taking of and moving so fast there doesn’t seem to be any engines or fans on it.
UFO Sightings Low Flying Object. Take a look at his UFO it looks almost like a rocket. Perhaps a space ship? The UFO seems to have a flame at the end but no smoke seems to appear from the flame. This was filmed in California on February 24th 2017. This UFO was spotted by the source who was grilling outside. Excellent UFO footage on this one.
UFO Sightings Archived footage. Take a look at this UFO it is huge. There seems to be a lot of lights on this UFO. It was spotted near a restaurant that seems to be a franchise in Michigan. Not much is known on this UFO Sighting if you have any further information on this UFO please leave it in the comments down below.
UFO Sightings Organic UFO. Look at this UFO what is it? Could this UFO be made out of liquid metal? This is excellent UFO footage. It comes to us from Michigan. We are not sure of the exact date of this UFO sighting. This UFO footage was received on March 28th 2017. If you have any further information on this UFO please leave it in the comments below.

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