Ένας τεράστιος αστεροειδής πλησιάζει τη Γη

A huge asteroid approaches Earth, August 29, 2018

UFOvni2012                                                                       spy
Asteroid - what if the asteroid never killed the dinosaurs?
5 asteroids in direction to earth and its date of collision. the shallow waters of the gulf of mexico instantly vaporized as the asteroid hit causing absolute destruction.

0:12 an asteroid with a diameter of 500 km.. 0:12 un asteroide con un diametro di 500 km..
but the frightening thing is that according to different data collected by science there are a number of asteroids that are approaching the earth and some of them even have a date for their collision with our planet. congressional hearing on asteroids: ..

on average the earth is hit once every two weeks by an asteroid measuring a couple meters or so across in fact the earth is being hit all the time by small meteorites luckily most of these small objects burn up in the earth’s atmosphere appearing to us as shooting stars... although some of the asteroids listed below have an impact date this is not accurate as many of them change their trajectory over the years.

la terra è nata a seguito di ripetute collisioni di asteroidi la luna è stata creata da un singolo impatto gigantesco.

jedoch haben asteroiden die dumme angewohnheit ein trümmerfeld mit sich zu führen.

🕵sponsor my inspections of the mastermind mainstream media & together we will travel through the rabbithole into oz unmask the villains in our magical mystery machine & strlke when they least expect us— like a pack of furious velociraptors! riesiger asteroid zieht am 29.
what if the asteroid never killed the dinosaurs?

what if an asteroid never killed the dinosaurs?

in this episode we compare the impact of the sizes of asteroids from 1m to 1000km large how often they occured and what are the results.
how asteroids really killed the dinosaurs - part 2 | last day of the dinosaurs.
crashing into the yucatán peninsula 66 million years ago the asteroid that wiped out the dinosaurs caused unprecedented damage destruction and devastation.
but there's an asteroid named 'apophis' which may hit earth in 2036.

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Τεχνική υποστήριξη, κατασκευή ιστοσελίδας: Charles Bukowski(7SPY), e-mail: spy7ross7@gmail.com