Επίθεση στο σπίτι του ορθόδοξου ιερέα στο Πακιστάν ! An Urgent Request from Fr John of Orthodox Church in Pakistan !

Ο ορθόδοξος ιερέας π. Ιωάννης δέχθηκε επίθεση στο σπίτι του από ομάδα μουσουλμάνων 25-30 ατόμων που φώναζαν αντιχριστιανικά συνθήματα. Κατέστρεψαν πόρτα και παράθυρα και ο ιερέας σώθηκε από τους γείτονες. Ο ιερέας εγκατέλειψε το σπίτι του, μαζί με την οικογένειά του, και
τώρα χρειάζεται βοήθεια για να ενοικιάσει άλλο σε ασφαλέστερη τοποθεσία. Μπορείτε να προσφέρετε στον Ορθόδοξο ιερέα του Πακιστάν, μέσω της ιστοσελίδας που θα δείτε παρακάτω: 

Father John and Presbytera Rosy teaching their parishioners


Dear Friends,
Thank you to those who responded to our recent appeal, seeking support for the Orthodox Mission in Pakistan’s sewing center.
We are writing to share with you a recent incident that happened to Fr John and his family and to make an urgent appeal.
Two weeks ago, while the family was asleep one night, Fr John’s home was attacked by a group of 25-30 people shouting anti-Christian messages. They broke the main door of the house and damaged the windows. They also damaged the family’s vehicle. Thankfully, Fr John’s neighbors heard the noise and arose, shouting at the mob to leave. «I am really thankful to God and to my neighbors. They defended us,» he says.
Although Fr John’s neighbors and community have been supportive, he has decided that he must move his family to another part of the city where they will be safer. Fr John writes that the plan is to sell their home and buy a plot of land that they’ve found in a community «where people are ready to welcome us», but this will take time and resources. The family urgently needs money both for a permanent move and to rent an apartment in the short-term in a safe neighborhood.
In our emails and phone calls with Fr John, he repeatedly refers to this as a «panic situation.»
«Please, help us for our survival as well as our faith`s survival,» he says.
Please consider a donation to OMP today. Your support is critical to helping Father John and his family relocate as soon as possible.
You can make a secure online donation here on our website. Also, will you share this appeal with your parish and others who might help?
And please, remember Fr John, his family, and his community in your prayers. «I am getting strength because of you people», he says, knowing that he has friends in many parts of the world who pray for him and his family and support them.
«God is with us,» he says. «We have to trust in the Lord. Even in this situation I will never stop in strengthening our faith.»



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